1. Muz

    On our Nullabor trip a woman with two teen sons were picked up in their car and shaken by a ufo. We were three hours behind them and followed the saga on the radio. Each road house pit stop along the way was buzzing with the story by the time we arrived. 🙂
    Wonder what dr Karl would say about that.


    • Geoff

      I vaguely recall that incident Tam. Would have made for an exciting trip nonetheless – one eye on the road in front and the other looking above. Makes our crossing quite boring by comparison.


  2. Muz

    Pssst.. This is the first time in ages we’ve broken through the Great Fire Wall and can catch up on your travels, happy birthday sis, incase we find ourselves locked in again before your special day:)


    • Geoff

      oh, congrats too BTW on circumventing the GFW – using anonymous proxies can sometimes work a treat for such hurdles. Thanks for the birthday wishes too – we should be around the Flinders Ranges by that time before making our way further north towards Birdsville… Sis


  3. Gez

    Every time I fly over the bight all I see are whitecaps, it is a very windy place as you have found out. It is interesting that the wind had an easterly component as the prevailing wind, at least at 35000 feet, is westerly.


    • Geoff

      We could at times see this type of thing Gez by the cloud layering going on (not sure if that is the correct term?). A few times on the crossing we wish we were at 35,000 ft too – short lived though 🙂


    • Geoff

      Hey Grant – great to hear from you again.

      Dr karl is fantastic and a wonderful orator / educator of a lot of things very interesting and has been a saviour on some of those very long hot days of driving between distant places on our journey. We’re all a big fan!

      See ya soon…

      Geoff & Celia



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